5 Black Beekeepers to Follow on IG
By: Karyn Bigelow
November 16, 2021
I have something to admit. Before becoming a beekeeper, I never met a Black beekeeper. In my
attempt to see more representation of Black beekeepers, I went to social media to find people who looked like me. Little did I know that I was about to find some inspiring new accounts. I also get a little honey-jealous from time to time, since I will not get honey until end of summer 2022 (God willing).
Anyway, here are some Beekeeping accounts to make your IG feed sweet like honey. The order of appearance doesn't mean any account is less special than the other. This is just a small list, and I look forward to sharing more Black beekeepers in the future!
John Newman Bee Company
Starting this list is the John Newman Bee Company. They are a family-owned and run apiary in Baltimore, MD. They have so many hives and it is a goal of mine to have an apiary myself one day. Follow their account so you know when to get that local honey during the summer.
The Black Beekeeper
I like The Black Beekeeper's Instagram account, because you get so much more than bees. This account is giving cute pictures of chickens, natural skincare products, and food.
I discovered baehive_beekeepers on Tiktok first and was upset that I don't live close enough to do the training program. Follow this account on Instagram to get some beekeeping inspiration, some beekeeping humor, and products!
Follow DownSouthOrganicGardener for farming and bee inspiration. Based on Georgia, you will see a range of foods and inspiring stories.
Noble Honey Co.
Last but not least, Noble Honey Company has a colorful IG feed with pictures of and videos of their products. WARNING, do not look at their page if you are hungry. They have honey, popsicles, lemonade, and more. Check them out!